SHOES!: H&M I Skirt: Banana Republic I Top: H&M I Earrings: lady from work I Turquoise Evil Eye bracelet: Greece I Red ring: H&M I Silver ring: gift from my guys mom
Photos: Jon Bozeman I Location: Stairwell and Hallway of McKibbs

Tha Shoes!! I can't get enough of these shoes. Seriously. I love the color. I love the color so much that I spent most of my day at work sneaking glances at them. I'd look over my left shoulder, then slowly over my right and when the coast was clear I'd roll my chair back, throw my feet out in front of me and swivel to and fro with a big fat kool-aid smile on my face. And then I'd get caught petting them and would have to hang my head in mock shame for 20 minutes before starting over again. Thank you H&M for this new found shame.
I'd like to extend a special shout-out to my best good friend Jon Bozeman for rocking the camera during this photoshoot. Amazing. He's also a crazy good musician. Check him out. And also to my breezy, Bacall. She's the isht. Just LOOK at the first photo. Adorable.
This last photo proves how happy my new coral pumps make me. They also make me jump so high!
i really love this last photo! and your top is so sweat.
lovely blog!
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