The 'Burbs

Gingham Shirt:  JCrew  I  Sweater:  H&M  I  Cords:  GAP  I  Shoes:  Target  I  Jewels:  Gma

Do you remember that movie?  The Burbs?  The one where Tom, a volleyball and his neighbors suspect a murder and then go on a search for the guy during a war?  I think it ends with him making out with Meg Ryan on a volcano.  Or was it Rosie O'Donnell on the Empire State Building in a dress?   Yeah.  That one was good.  What are some other good Tom Hanks movies?

Anyway - I used to live on this street.  A LONG time ago when we lived two doors down from my Gma.  She still lives here.  I didn't have red pants like this when I lived here.  Or a fantastic gingham top like this one.  I love them both.  Together.  OH and don't forget these kickass heels from Target.  They're what a pair of Jeffery Campbell's would look like in a stairwell on Canal Street.   Swoon.


Anonymous said...

I was tempted to buy those pants- but they did not look as good on me as they do on you.
I love gingham and red together!

Linley said...

great outfit!! i was wearing something verrry simimlar the other day! Miss Vinyl Ahoy shared your link with me - so I thought I would say hello and LOVE this look!! (:

My similar look -->

Sarah said...

I love this outfit. The red, white and black is a great color pallete and those shoes are amazing!