Favorite Outfit Alert

{dress &; shoes:  target  I  blazer: exit 248  I  belt:  thrift}
While this dress may not exactly count as office appropriate, the blazer sure does!  I figured the two would balance eachother out: short skirt, blazer, low heel, classy gal...purely professional,  right?  i also kinda think the plaid blazer has like, a funky faux grunge, singles/bridget fonda, vibe to it.  yeah?

you can also buy the blazer here if you want.  or  not.  you know, either way.  but it's cute, so you should.

1 comment:

Melina said...

That dress is cuuute! And I wouldn't think to pair polka dots with plaid, but I really like how it looks on you! I suppose you learn something new everyday... =]

xx Melina