Cheers to 201

 {dress:  h&m  I  jean vest:  gap  I  heels:  target  I  watch:  borrowed}
dude, this is my 201st post!  what does that mean?  well, i'll tell you...

...wait, why didn't i say something when it was the 100th awe-inspiring, informative, deep, meaningful and....enlightening post?  i don't know!  but 201 definitely calls for a big ole glass of whiskey.  and maybe a present.  definitely not an explanation.   


also, wearing a jean vest - that's a little bit too big - that was once a jean jacket - that was also then a little too big - UNDER a strapless dress is actually a lot less uncomfortable, or MORE comfortable that you would think. looks jazzy. 


1 comment:

Melina said...

Yayy, congrats on 201!! And I actually have a slightly too big jean vest that used to be a slightly too big jean jacket that I now know what to do with! Thanks for the inspiration!! =]

xx Melina